Remedial Massage Therapist in Loftus
Strength Through Balance
Yes, we have EFTPOS facilities available and most cards are accepted except AMEX.
Yes, personalised gift vouchers (30, 45 or 60 minutes’ duration) are available for purchase. A physical voucher can be either collected directly from the clinic at a mutually convenient time, or a soft copy can be emailed to you for printing, or directly your nominated recipient, upon receipt of the payment. Payment can be made at the clinic, or via bank transfer.
Yes, there is on-street parking outside the Loftus shops. Some restrictions are in force between 8am and 6pm weekdays and on weekends. But since the clinic is located directly opposite the Loftus railway station, free railway parking is also available along with other non-restricted street parking.
Yes, I am registered to all health funds who accept invoices for remedial massage treatments. Whilst I don’t currently have Hicaps facilities, you will receive a physical invoice to facilitate your health fund claim which includes my provider details and other necessary information. Note: by registering yourself on our client portal (via the web site), you can download and manage your own receipts and invoices.
It is preferable to wear comfortable clothing and underwear to your appointment, but there are no specific requirements. It is usually necessary to expose parts of your skin to ensure an effective massage treatment, however your permission will always be sought for treatment of more sensitive areas. At no time will it be necessary to remove underpants. Please discuss with your therapist to ensure you are always comfortable with your treatment.
To ensure we develop the most appropriate treatment plan for you, we will ask you to complete a one-page medical history form, covering any previous or current issues/medications/conditions and your treatment expectations. Full disclosure of any chronic or acute issues/conditions will ensure the therapist can manage any treatment contraindications and can discuss any concerns. After your session, the therapist will prepare historical notes on findings and areas treated and suggestions for follow-up.
We believe that anyone can benefit from soft tissue treatment to improve function and optimise activity. Our therapists are fully Diploma-qualified and have a current “Working with Children” certification. Where children under the age of 18 are receiving a treatment, at least one parent or guardian must be present at the appointment. Conditions exhibited by older/elderly clients will receive a treatment appropriate for their general pain tolerance, skin condition and expectations.
We take your privacy very seriously and it was a major factor in choosing the client system we use now – Power Diary. Some of the clinic protocols include:
- 2-factor authentication
- Restricted user permissions (therapist to client)
- Auditable logging & tracking of every action taken on the system
- Restrictions on exporting data
- Clinic users are suspended or deleted instantly if they are no longer part of the team
Power Diary have also implemented a range of security and privacy measures which ensures compliance with the relevant legislative and regulatory requirements in Australia, including robust infrastructure & design, protocols around data transmission, backup and encryption, continual monitoring of changes and timely implementation of system updates. If you have any specific issues regarding your personal/private information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.